Banner slider 1 1We help the investors to sail by navigating them through the ocean of Finance
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mob slider2Peaceful retirement is a price which you get for working hard your whole life.
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mob slider3We help you to array your finances from clutter to clarity.
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mob slider4In life, as in chess nobody wins without planning.
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FinTao makes your financial journey easy & relaxed by navigating you with our expertise

Goal Planning

We analyse & understand you & your family, based on that we prepare holistic financial plan for you, which can bring bliss to your life.

Asset Allocation

To reap the fruits from your investments one strategy which works very well is divide & rule in your investments.

Wealth Creation

We navigate you by considering your entire life & concentrate on the big picture by understanding your relationship with your money.

Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning is bringing the future into the present so that we can plan & start working for it now.

Tax Strategies

We tailor the "best fit" strategy for you which will interlock with your investment planning & help you to save on tax.

NRI Services

We look at multidimensional view of your personal finance & provide simple solutions to your complex problems.

“Better to start early than finish late” – J.R. Rim
FinTao Kids

FinTao is very much dedicated towards you & whom all you love, our focus is also expanded to educate your kids “how to value money”. As this concept will help to sustain your family’s wealth and lays the foundation towards a fulfilling future for your kids.

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